We understand that village halls are at the heart of rural community life and that is why they are important to us.

At Insure Your Village Hall we are taking a fresh approach to providing your insurance. When choosing a Village Hall policy there are normally three factors the committee discusses: coverprice and service. Our aim is to provide the cover you need at a price that is competitive, all delivered with the best service you have ever received from an insurance company.


Our dedicated consultants take time to understand your needs and provide you with a bespoke quote for your village hall.

We are confident that our insurance will compare favourably with your current arrangements, but do not just take our word for it: get in touch and let us prove what we can do for your village hall.

Please feel free to call us and we can arrange a time to visit you and discuss your requirements. Alternatively you can complete the enquiry form or request a call back.

And it's not just about insurance ...

With a wealth of knowledge in the market, our dedicated team really do understand what makes a village hall tick. We are happy to share the benefit of our experience, for example in the area of security and risk mitigation.

We are working closely with individuals and associations around the country – listening and responding to their needs – making sure we deliver the very best insurance products and services to you.

*subject to full terms and conditions available on request

for a quotation, please click for our online enquiry form or provide your details, and we will be in touch: